A Celebration
We happy to invite everyone to 'A CELEBRATION' - a performative intervention by Parvez Imam with stories and indian food in the Salon of Idleness on 1. December at 12 hrs. Please confirm your presence by tonight (30. Nov) on this event or via the following doodle link: https://doodle.com/poll/7tgtk845du5cakdu
This will help us to cook accordingly. The event is entirely free.
Parvez Imam (b. 1967) is a multidisciplinary practitioner of arts. He explores identity labels, presence, reality and the status quo through his practice.
platform blind_spot is a short term soft and powerless institution that aims to develop the values of passivity, weakness, subtlety and deceleration through the means of contemporary art, cultural collectivism, mumblecore modality, and alternative economical relations.