The Ausstellungsraum Klingental is an exhibition space, which provides a platform for artists living and working in Basel. We present, discuss and promote their artistic practice bringing it to public attention. We consider the exhibition space to be a meeting place between contemporary art and the public. The Ausstellungsraum also applies its experimental approach to its important role within the various citywide exhibition projects such as Museum Night and Regionale.
An important feature of the Ausstellungsraum is the promotion of young talent. The Ausstellungsraum Klingental discovers and presents innovative artistic work and provides opportunities for curators to develop ideas within a professional framework. However, we are also keen to promote and present important positions from older generations of artists.
The Ausstellungsraum Klingental was first established by an artist initiative in 1974 within the Kaserne area. Since then it has been run by a changing coalition of artists and art mediators such as art-historians and curators.
The exhibition space is supported by the Ausstellungsraum Klingental Association and its members. We are also generously supported with subsidies from the Canton of Basel-Stadt and by private patrons.
Special thanks go to the Christoph Merian Foundation, the Ernst Göhner Foundation and anonymus donators who support the relaunch 2020 generously after a profound renovation of the building through the town of Basel.
We would also like to thank all of the various foundations and institutions whose commitment allow the realization of individual exhibition projects:
these are in 2018 / 2019:
Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Migros Kulturprozent
Fondation Nestlé pour l'art
SWISSLOS Kulturförderung Kanton Obwalden
Werkbeitrag OW/NW 2016
Kanton Solothurn, Kuratorium für Kulturförderung
Oertli Stiftung
Vlaams State of Art
Universidad de Concepcion
Ecole Cantonale d'Art du Valais
Hans-Eugen und Margrit Stucki-Liechti Stiftung (HMSL)