platform blind_spot


Regionale 19

November 24 2018, ongoing

Opening: Saturday 24 November, 5 pm
RANK, Kasernenstrasse 34, 4058 Basel



platform blind_spot
release guideline/community manual

It comes as no surprise that contemporary neoliberal state brings us exhaustive and aggressive set of ethical prerequisites. We used to think that being competitive, productive, strong, effective, active, and passionate is necessary and even “normatively good”. Hand in hand comes the domination of quantitative measurable evaluations over qualitative parameters (which often requires more complicated analysis rather than comparison of measurements). You have to measure how successful you are, how effective according to one scale or another are your actions, plans, and intentions. On a global scale, it leads to ecological collapse, flourishing of political populism, and hegemony of transnational corporations who rapidly reached enough power to change the laws and have a detrimental effect on environment with impunity. On a scale of single human being, it brings a permanent rat-race for a better piece of cake or for survival (if you're not great enough).

Platform blind_spot is questioning the neoliberal dispositive by means of alternative ethical system based on weakness, passivity, deceleration, contemplation, and subtlety. It initiates, hosts, and supports processes on this ground, and could be used as a platform – a playground – or a base – or a shelter – for each activity that help to establish those values.

We call it an institution, as platform blind_spot may be used as a tool that helps to synchronize processes around it. Platform is also acts as a “public institution”, started its activity from the arts and by the money from cultural budgets. We will be happy to host any projects establishing alternative economic relations between people and helping to decrease ongoing consumption and money traffic. We totally welcome borderline projects in art and social affairs, and encouraging people to talk free to each other, sometimes aimlessly and unaccented, in a mumblecore mode. Just raise the society of mumblecore! But platform is just a consequence of its values, and therefore is free of following any standard institutional guidelines (where institution often find itself busy trying to fulfill expectations of board, sponsors, and public of what and how should it produce, busy of raising its brand, its scale, and its size). It is an attempt to imagine and try the radical alternative, to get rid of rigid structure, pressure, and expectations.

So we provide different interface comparing to other institutions. Here is the tips how to be in touch with it.

As weak institution shouldn’t provide any hierarchies, unlike most cases, where institution is the only one who speaks or rather “informs” public of what will take place in its frame, blind_spot invites people to join the chat, where any updates about the events would be published, and where everybody could write as well – being in the same position of one who speaks, asks, and negotiates, on equal level with institution. It could create a model of ever-speaking society, with equal rights to speak, mumble, murmur, and being listened. In order to be added to this chat, visitor should made a request via mail to Ausstellungsraum Klingental, or via message to facebook page, or simply ask someone who is already included into this chat. This chat is available in WhatsApp, Telegram, and facebook Messenger. Updates will also be published at facebook page of platform blind_spot and mirrored by Ausstellungsraum Klingental sources.

Rather than stick to a venues (the most common anchor of ordinary institutions), platform blind_spot takes more vulnerable position of being homeless and floating, and consider itself as a flying community and intellectual virus spreading the ideas and values of institution. Community recreating itself in a different forms in different places, changing its form and moving across the city like a gypsy camp. So far, we can announce two places where you can find blind_spot temporarily. From 24.11 to 10.12, at the exhibition hall of Atelier Mondial (Freilagerplatz 10) there would be a Salon of Idleness. Everybody is welcome to come there and spend her time for random and aimless activity. Space RANK (Kasernenstrasse 34) would function more like a base, office, and meeting point from 24.11 onwards. More places, where community could crystallize, will be discussed and defined in conversations, including the chat ones. Just take your time.

Because it's a spare time what allows people to start thinking about different politics. And if art is still able to do something, it's bringing people together and talk to them and make them talk to each other. Platform could host the processes that brings us alternative. Gathering becomes political. What matters?

Free time. Free conversations. Free political thinking.

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